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Saturday, 15 October 2011

My Fabric Heart....motion and movement...:D

I received a lot of red cloth from the fashion store room and decided to make a heart, the fabric i used was red and had an elastic quality to it, like the fabric used in swimming caps, i cut the fabric roughly in to three ovals and a wonky triangle.

I then began to stitch the four pieces together.

I sowed them all to get by hand and left a small opening and stuffed it with white netting, the stuff used to give dresses volume,

Then sealed it shut..:)

I then began to make the 5 blood vessels which are attached to the heart, "Inferior and Superior vena cava pulmonary artery, pulmonary vein and aorta"....I choose 3 different colours for each vessel, wound them around a pencil and stitched them loosely together.

After I attached the vessels I began making then protective fat around the heart by sowing on a brown elastic fabric which formed a pouch, and stuffed it with balled up tissue to make it hard..:P and paint yellow swirls on make it pretty.

I then covered it in liquid latex to give it a slimy effect....overall it all worked out and has a really nice effect.

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